next play

We help people find their next play by sending opportunities, hosting gatherings, and curating content. Everything is off the record and confidential. Apply here

Join world-class people from Stripe, OpenAI, Notion, Retool, Y Combinator, Rippling, Silver Lake, Sequoia, SpaceX, Figma, Replit, Nasa, Coinbase, Airbnb, Instacart, Goldman Sachs, and more. The list will remain confidential and private.


Curated gatherings of top-notch founders and operators who are openly or secretly exploring what comes next. You may be considering starting a company, joining your next thing, or unsure.

Taking place in NYC, SF, Tel Aviv, Austin, Boston, Bangalore, London as of today. Coming soon: Seattle, Paris, Berlin, LA, Denver.


We’re introducing good people who are thinking about what comes next, anywhere in the world, as a way to spark ideas, build momentum, and chat about what may come next.


Hear directly from world-class founders, investors, and operators, who recently found their next play, as they dive deep and share their journey and learnings. Spotify / Apple Podcasts


Subscribe here to get under the radar opportunities from early stage companies, co-founders looking for partners, and more.

Examples of people who join

  • second time founder who sold their previous company and exploring starting a new company
  • engineering leader from Series C company looking to join a new company or potentially start a company
  • VP growth at FAANG company thinking about joining an early stage startup

who’s behind this
want to host a gathering with us in your city?

email us

how does this make money?

next play is entirely free to you. we help run next play because we genuinely enjoy meeting and helping great people.



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